Workforce Transitions | SKCTC

SKCTC Snap Alert

SKCTC will be closed tomorrow, February 18, due to the widespread impact of the flooding. 

We want to allow our students and employees to have time to recover and take care of priority needs.

Workforce Transitions

Dear Workforce Students,

I am Henry Hughes, Workforce Transition Coordinator at Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College. My duty is to transition you from the Workforce training, and re-training classes to degree-seeking students through our Associate s degree, Diploma, and Certificate programs. KCTCS along with SKCTC is committed to assist you in your quest to reach your career goals. This is a great opportunity to return back to college and complete your degree, diploma, or certificate. In addition, by completing these goals you may move up the corporate ladder at work or receive a raise in salary. By completing your area of studies, this may count as professional development and job security with your company.

You have the opportunity to earn college credit through Credit for Prior Learning (portfolios writing), STEP & CLEP Exams, Military Service Credit, Learn by Term, Learn on Demand, and other special exams. Workforce Transition program can assist any workforce student that has taken workforce training classes. I am here to assist you in accomplishing both your short and long-term academic and career goals. I can assist you during the admission, registration, financial aid, course selection, and graduation process. I am here to provide information, encouragement and guidance through the career and academic process of service. This is a great and exciting time to return back to an affordable two year college and complete an Associate s degree, Diploma or Certificate program in your field.

Please take the time to view my web page and links below. Taking the survey will help in deciding which classes are in demand and what we can offer in upcoming semesters. If you have any questions, please feel free to call, e-mail, or visit my office on the Cumberland Campus. I look forward to working with you and assisting you in meeting your academic and career goals.


Henry Hughes
Workforce Transition Coordinator
700 College RD. Cumberland, KY 40823
(606) 589-3193

Major Programs of study through Workforce Transitions

Air Conditioning
Diesel Technology
Heavy Equipment Operations
Industrial Maintenance Technology
Computerized Manufacturing & Machining
Electrical Technology
Welding Technology

Workforce Transitions encourages workforce-trained students to continue their education by pursuing a certificate or degree through KCTCS.