Workforce Solutions Directory | SKCTC

SKCTC Snap Alert

SKCTC will be closed tomorrow, February 18, due to the widespread impact of the flooding. 

We want to allow our students and employees to have time to recover and take care of priority needs.

Workforce Solutions Directory

Sherri Clark

Dean of Workforce Solutions
100 College Road
Middlesboro, KY 40965
Phone: (606) 248-2224
Bio: Oversee and monitor the planning, development, and delivery of Continuing Education programs as well as Workforce Development/Industry Training programs.

Bitha Brock

Workforce Development Training Specialist
100 College Road
Middlesboro, KY 40965
Phone: (606) 248-3369
Fax: (606) 248-3233
Cell: (606) 269-0487
Bio: I help manage company projects by providing them with customized business and industry training. I work with companies who want to upgrade their employees skills, while other may have continuing education needs that must be met. These trainings are set up to accommodate the companies we serve by offering them on site at their location. Feel free to contact me for more information.

Dianna Fuson

Work & Learn Coordinator
164 Ball Park Road
Harlan, KY 40831
Phone: (606) 589-3195
Bio: Currently the Work & Learn Coordinator in Harlan, Bell, Letcher and Knox counties. The work & learn program serves KTAP clients wh0 have been referred to GED classes or Adult Basic Education. The program provides and/or facilitates a network of support services for KTAP students including, but not limited to: recruitment, assessment, retention strategies; tutoring, mentoring, advising, and development of paid and unpaid work experiences. The program works closely with the local adult education providers and the campus-based Ready to Work Coordinator. The program is a partnership between KCTCS and the DCBS office.

Henry Hughes

Workforce Solutions Project Manager,
Coordinator of Continuing Education/Community Services
700 College Road
Cumberland, KY 40823
Phone: (606) 589-3193
Cell Phone: (606) 273-8779
Bio: Market and coordinate Customized Business and Industry Trainings.
Office of Housing Building and Construction approved Instructor for Electrical, Contractor s Electrical, HVAC, and Plumbing Continuing Education. American Heart Association instructor for CPR, First Aid, and Blood-Borne Pathogens. Instructor for Soft Skills Managerial Training.

Andrea D. Massey

Counselor/Ready to Work Coordinator
700 College Road
Cumberland, Kentucky 40823
Phone: (606) 589-3064 or (606) 589-3116
Bio: Currently the Ready to Work Coordinator. The Ready to Work Program serves KTAP clients who have been referred to GED classes or Adult Basic Education. The program provides and/or facilities a network of support services for KTAP students including, but limited to: recruitment, assessment, retention strategies, tutoring, mentoring, advising, career counseling and development of paid and unpaid work experiences. The program works closely with the local adult education providers and the campus-base Work and Lean Coordinator. The program is a partnership between KCTCS and the DCBS office.

Sandra Brown

Sandra Brown, Liaison
Digital Careers NOW
Phone: (606) 589-3007
Bio: Sandra serves as a success coach to the Digital Careers NOW participants ensuring successful completion of their reemployment transition and training process. She proactively guides participants through the program helping to instill 21st century skills and encouraging entrepreneurial activities, while leading outreach participant recruitment efforts in the region.

Paula Patterson, M. Ed.

Paula Patterson, M. Ed.
Ready To Work Coordinator
100 College Road
Middlesboro, KY 40965
606-248-0946 Office
Bio: Paula Patterson is the Middlesboro Ready to Work coordinator.