Swappin' Meetin' | SKCTC

Swappin' Meetin'

Logo for the Kingdom Come Swappin' Meetin', featuring a drawing of a bear holding a fiddle.

The Kingdom Come Swappin’ Meetin’ will be held Oct. 3-4 at the Cumberland campus of Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College to celebrate our Appalachian heritage through music, crafts, storytelling, and folk life demonstrations.

The Swappin’ Meetin’ has been a cherished tradition for over six decades, providing a unique opportunity for the community to come together.

The online vendor application for food, arts, craft, and artisan demonstrations is now open for submissions.


A complete schedule, including storytelling, music lineup, workshops, and family fun, will be announced soon.


Contests and competitions include:

  • Storytelling Competition: The Pam Halcomb Memorial Storytelling Competition will feature elementary, middle school and high school students and begin Friday, Oct. 3, at 9:15 a.m. Winners in each age division may be eligible to advance to state and national competition. For more information, contact Carlton Hughes at carlton.hughes@kctcs.edu.
  • Tri-City News Photography Contest: Photos of scenery, flowers, animals, black bears, black and white prints, and scenes from Harlan County can be submitted at the photo booth on the porch of Falkenstine Hall on Friday, Oct. 4, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Baked Goods: Entries can be delivered to the Godbey Appalachian Center ticket booth Friday, 8-11 a.m. There also will be a cake walk at 11:30 a.m. Friday. For details, contact Andrea Massey at 606.589.3064.
  • Pickles, Jams and Jellies: Entries, including sauerkraut, chow-chow, beets, eggs, pickled vegetables and peppers, should be submitted by 12 noon on Friday to Room 223 in the Godbey Appalachian Center. For details, contact Andrea Massey at 606.589.3064.
  • Fern Cornett Memorial Quilt Competition: Quilts and fiber arts made during the past year may be entered in the following categories: novelty, pieced, applique, baby quilts, wall hangings, beginning and other fiber arts. The pieces will be judged on top design, quilt design, color combination, materials used and use of padding, lining and binding. Quilts will be accepted from 12-3 p.m. on Thursday and will remain on display until 2 p.m. Saturday in the gallery of the Godbey Appalachian Center. Those with older quilts are also invited to bring them to the Quilt Exhibit for public viewing. For more information, contact Ariel Dingus at 606.589.3316.
  • Cornhole and Horseshoe Contest: Teams will compete Saturday at 10 a.m.
  • Art Contest: A trophy is awarded to the winning school with the most participants and winners. Art will be displayed in the Godbey Appalachian Center through mid-October.

Children’s activities on Friday and Saturday will include the Rotary Train, sensory bins, games, rock painting, bubbles, face painting, and a free library of children’s books. Inflatables will be available on Saturday.

BearFoot Café will offer a soup bean special with fried taters, salmon patties and cornbread. Food vendors also will be available.

There will be an exhibit from the Appalachian Archives featuring photographs and artwork celebrating Southeast’s 65 years.


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