IDEAS Center
Matthew Warren
- Middlesboro Campus
- 606-248-0679
- MWarren0043@kctcs.edu
- Open Monday-Friday, from 9:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m.
The innovative space has been named the IDEAS center—Innovation, Design, & Entrepreneurship at Southeast. It is equipped with 3-D printers, laser printers, and other tools to help bring the ideas of aspiring entrepreneurs to reality.
According to Southeast President Vic Adams, “Someone may have an idea for a new tool
or a widget that could be used in business or industry, but that person cannot afford
the cost of producing a prototype. Our 3-D printers will allow these future visionaries
to create a prototype free of charge.”
The space has been made possible by a generous contribution from Toyota Tsusho America,
Inc. “We are grateful to our friends at Toyota Tsusho,” said Dr. Adams. “Strong partnerships
allow us to stay ahead of the curve, and this one is no different.”
Southeast’s partnership with Toyota Tsusho is unique in that the company will provide
mentors to consult with entrepreneurs about getting a patent, introducing the product
into wider markets, and guidance with legal considerations. The IDEAS center will
be available to members of the community during weekdays, evenings, and Saturdays.
“Southeast strives to provide our communities with quality, affordable educational
and work force opportunities here in our own backyard,” said Dr. Adams. “This space
will be an additional way that we can fulfill this mission. We are excited about the
possibilities that it will bring into our community.”