Employment Search and Resources | SKCTC

SKCTC Snap Alert

SKCTC will be closed tomorrow, February 18, due to the widespread impact of the flooding. 

We want to allow our students and employees to have time to recover and take care of priority needs.

Employment Search & Resources

Finding a job is a full-time job in itself. Establishing employment contacts, sending resumes, filling out applications, participating in interviews, and doing all the proper follow-up activities can be daunting. At any one time, around 70% of the positions available are not advertised. Understanding the importance of the hiring process, the need for excellent communication skills, and promoting your skills and services as an asset to the company are essential. Completing your degree is just the first step in the process of finding employment in your field and starting your career.

The CATS centers with our resources can help you with:

-Developing a resume, cover letter, and follow-up correspondence
-Completing good applications
-Understanding what an employer wants from new employees
-Preparing for an interview
-Searching for available positions in the region

Therefore, make an appointment to speak with a counselor for assistance in your job search. By working together, the transition into the workforce should be simple and painless.

In addition, Southeast will also post any vacancies of which we are aware on the campuses and here. Employers are encouraged to contact us anytime they are looking for excellent candidates from our students and graduates.

Employment Search & Resources Links:

Kentucky Career Center focuscareer.ky.gov/careerexplorer/home

KY State Jobs https://careers.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx

America's Job Bank www.careeronestop.org/jobsearch/findjobs/state-job-banks.aspx

America's Job Exchange www.americasjobexchange.com

Indeed Search Engine www.indeed.com

Federal U.S. Jobs www.usajobs.gov

Military Job Search www.careeronestop.org/Veterans/JobSearch/job-search.aspx

Veteran Employment Resources nrd.gov/Employment

Kentucky Career Center kcc.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx

Write a Cover Letter career.vt.edu/job-search/presenting_yourself/cover-letters.html

Job Case www.jobcase.com

Job Interview career.vt.edu/job-search/presenting_yourself/interviewing.html

Interview Follow-up Letter career.vt.edu/job-search/presenting_yourself/interviewing/after-interviews.html

Find nursing jobs in Kentucky www.nurserecruiter.com/kentucky

Find nursing jobs across the United States www.nurserecruiter.com