Textbooks & Course Materials
Ready to access the textbooks and digital tools you need for class? Here’s how to get started.
- Click on Current Students.
- Click on Bookstores.
- Click on Textbooks and select your campus using the drop-down menu.
- Choose a department (e.g., ENG for English),
- the course (e.g., 101 or 110),
- and the section (e.g., 6401).
Not sure which department or course you’re in? Check your schedule and registration form—it’s all there.
- Rent or buy the materials you need, and start learning!
Some high schools provide students with books and materials for dual credit courses, while others don’t. Ultimately, you are responsible for getting access to all the textbooks and other materials you need for your courses. Some material may be available electronically as digital content. Digital content charges are separate from tuition, and you are responsible for these charges unless your high school or school district pays for them.