Ways to Give | SKCTC


Dr. A. Lee Harrison  
Dean of Institutional Advancement & PR
Executive Director of Foundation

Tiffany Hampton
Manager of Advancement

Jacie Pitchford
Administrative Assistant

Office of Advancement & Southeast Education Foundation:

700 College Road
Cumberland, KY 40823

Ways to Give

Making a charitable gift to Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College is an important and personal decision. The satisfaction of giving comes in knowing that you are investing in the lives of individuals, businesses, and organizations that benefit each and every day from the college's history of excellence and service to students. We value your support and are committed to using private gifts wisely. If you would like to help make a difference in the lives of students and the future of our region, we have many options for you to make gifts of any size.

Gifts may be made in honor or memory of a loved one, friend, colleague, business, or to commemorate a special occasion.

The following information may be helpful as you consider the various ways you can support our endeavors and how you may benefit from tax advantages associated with certain types of charitable gifts.

Donate Now

Give Today

A simple and convenient way to contribute is to make a contribution by check or credit card. Make an online gift today! The advantage of giving a cash gift right now is that it has an immediate impact on academic programming. SKCTC can receive gifts of cash, appreciated securities (shares of stock or mutual funds), or other property.

  • Please make checks or money orders payable to Southeast Education Foundation and mail them to us at: Southeast Education Foundation, 700 College Rd., Cumberland, KY 40823.
  • To make a donation with your credit card, you can donate using our secure payment method. We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Credit card gifts allow you to take advantage of your credit cards award program.
  • If you are a college employee, you can enroll in the SKCTC Employee Payroll Deductions program and give a set amount per paycheck to the SKCTC initiative of your choice. This includes student support, scholarships, and areas of greatest need. Contact the Advancement Office.
  • If you use a Food City card, you can easily link your ValuCard to SKCTC to automatically support the College at no cost to you. For every dollar spent at Food City using your ValuCard, one point will be earned for SKCTC. The more points earned, the more funding Southeast will receive from Food City! Simply print out this bar code, then have the cashier scan the code and your ValuCard. The two will then be linked together!

Give Later

A pledge is a formal Declaration of Intent to make a gift to SKCTC. It may be followed by an immediate gift or it may confirm your intention to make a gift in the future. You may choose to complete your pledge by making regular payments over a period of time, which will allow you to maximize your contribution to SKCTC.

Types of Gifts

Cash Gifts

A cash gift is usually made by a personal or business check, credit card, or by currency. Your income tax deduction is for the full amount of your gift, assuming no goods and/or services are received in return for the gift.

Matching Gifts 

More than 1,400 businesses nationwide match the contributions of their employees. Check with your employer to determine if your gift can be matched on 1:1 ratio or more and to obtain the proper forms to direct the matching gift to SKCTC.


An endowment is a fund that is permanently invested. Only the annual income generated from the investment is used for an unrestricted or restricted purpose. Establishing an endowment is the best way to have a permanent impact on the future of the college and leave a lasting legacy for future generations. SKCTC’s endowments average 4.5% in interest earnings. Click here to learn more.

Real and Personal Property (In-Kind)

You may give a residence, land, or other real property as an outright gift-in-kind. The value of the donation is determined by an appraisal of the fair market value at the time of the transfer of ownership. In some cases, you may wish to donate property in which you retain an interest. A gift of a remainder interest in a personal residence or farm provides you with a current income tax deduction for the present value of the remainder interest and also permits you to eliminate capital gains taxes on the appreciation. Donations of personal property such as equipment, books, art, and jewelry may also be contributed under special guidelines established by the IRS.

Planned Giving

Planned gifts are arrangements that usually require the assistance of a professional advisor to determine the specific tax advantages for you, your family members, and/or your estate. A planned gift maximizes your giving potential and can even allow you to ensure your future financial security or that of a loved one. If you are interested in a planned gift, please contact the college’s Advancement Office.

Life Insurance

The gift of life insurance provides you with a charitable contribution for the present cash surrender value. Future premium payments following the transfer of ownership and beneficiary status of the policy also are tax-deductible.


You can make a gift that will create a legacy and have lasting impact on students by naming Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College OR the Southeast Education Foundation, Inc. as the recipient in your will. You can include gifts of cash, securities, personal property, a percentage of the value of the estate, or the residue of your estate (property remaining after all other bequests have been fulfilled). Since bequests are deductible from the estate, significant tax savings are possible.

Charitable Gift Annuities

A charitable gift annuity is an agreement that transfers assets to the College or Foundation in exchange for a lifetime income stream and a tax benefit. 

Charitable Lead Trust

Make a donation now while reducing the tax burden for your heirs in the future. You can make your gift for a specified time period, with the remainder of the trust assets distributed to your designees. The Foundation or College receives the annual income amount for the length of the terms of the trust agreement, while trust assets are distributed to your heirs.

Charitable Remainder Trust

This plan can increase your income, reduce your taxes, and ultimately provide very important support to students.  You can receive a current income tax deduction and avoid future estate taxes, while receiving income, by placing assets in a trust.  At the end of the trust agreement, the assets transfer to the College.

Appreciated Securities

A gift of long-term appreciated securities has two major advantages: it provides you with an immediate income tax deduction and it eliminates capital gains taxes to the extent allowed by law.

Closely-Held Stock

With a gift of closely-held stock, you may receive a current income tax deduction and eliminate capital gains taxes for the fair market value of closely-held stock if valued over $10,000, or at the per-share cash purchase price if valued at $10,000 or less.

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Contact Us

Whether your interest lies with a specific program, academic department, community activity, or assisting SKCTC's current students, the Advancement Office will design and implement your gift to see that it fulfills your intent.  

Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. Donors are advised to consult a tax advisor or financial planner regarding the tax advantages of their gifts.

Contact the Advancement Office at 606-589-3083 or email thampton0059@kctcs.edu

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