Program Outline | SKCTC

SKCTC Snap Alert

SKCTC will be closed tomorrow, February 18, due to the widespread impact of the flooding. 

We want to allow our students and employees to have time to recover and take care of priority needs.

Program Outline

Course of Study

The preparation leading to the Associate of Applied Science degree in Radiologic Technology is divided into two areas, general education courses and radiography program courses.

General Education Courses and Supporting Courses

  • BIO 137 Human Anatomy & Physiology I, 4 credits
  • BIO 139 Human Anatomy & Physiology II, 4 credits
  • AHS 115 Medical Terminology, AHS 120 Medical Terminology, or CLA 131 Medical Terminology from Greek and Latin, 1-3 credits
  • ENG 101 Writing I, 3 credits
  • MA 109 College Algebra, MT 150 College Algebra & Functions, MAT 150 College Algebra, or higher level quantitative reasoning course, 3 credits
  • PHY 152 Intro to Physics, PHY 171 Applied Physics, or PHY 172 Physics for Health Sciences, 3-4 credits
  • Social/Behavioral Sciences*, 3 credits
  • Heritage/Humanities*, 3 credits

Length of Program

Once accepted into the program five consecutive semesters that include a summer session will be required in order to graduate.

Program Courses (43 Credit Hours)

The curriculum is designed to develop critical thinking skills by integrating theoretical concepts with practical experience. While all courses are taught at the college, a clinical (practicum) education takes place at several sites.

Clinical experience is carefully interwoven with classroom instruction to reinforce theoretical concepts. During the clinical rotation, the student-to-technologist ratio is one to one.

  • First Year
    • First Semester
      • IMG 100 Radiography I, 7 credits
      • IMG 101 Radiography I Clinical, 4 credits
    • Second Semester
      • IMG 110 Radiography II, 7 credits
      • IMG 111 Radiography II Clinical, 4 credits
  • Second Year
    • Summer Session
      • IMG 201 Radiography III Clinical, 3 credits
    • First Semester
      • IMG 210 Radiography IV, 4 credits
      • IMG 211 Radiography IV Clinical, 6 credits
    • Second Semester
      • IMG 220 Radiography V, 4 credits
      • IMG 221 Radiography V, 6 credits

* Note: While clinical courses only receive 1-6 college credit hours per term, students may spend 12-40 hours each week at various clinical sites throughout the entire program.

The table below lists the amount of contact hours a student is in clinical and the days assigned to that clinical. You will rotate through different clinical facilities in order to experience different equipment and exams.