American Registry of Radiologic Technologists | SKCTC

SKCTC Snap Alert

SKCTC will be closed tomorrow, February 18, due to the widespread impact of the flooding. 

We want to allow our students and employees to have time to recover and take care of priority needs.

American Registry of Radiologic Technologists


  • After completing the competency based education curriculum, a qualified student is eligible to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification examination.
  • A prospective radiography student is advised that the ARRT examination board may not accept a student's application if there has been a conviction of a misdemeanor, felony, or military court martial. Some additional examples of convictions that may affect eligibility of the exam are:
    • Students who have been convicted of, or plead guilty to, or plead no contest (no lo contendere), withheld/deferred adjudication, stayed, set aside, suspended, or pre-trial diversion. Student may request a pre-application review of the violation in order to obtain a ruling on the impact of their eligibility for examination.
  • In addition students who have had any professional license, permit, registration, or certification denied, revoked, suspended, placed on probation, under consent agreement or consent order, voluntarily surrendered or subjected to any conditions or disciplinary actions by a regulatory board (other than ARRT) may be ineligible.
  • If a student has been suspended, dismissed or expelled from an educational program that the student has attended in order to meet ARRT certification requirements may be ineligible.
  • A special pre-application review form may be requested from, under Ethics.