Mission | SKCTC

SKCTC Snap Alert

All Southeast Campuses will operate remotely Thursday 2/20/25 
and Friday 2/21/25. Weekend classes will resume on normal 


The libraries of Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College support the mission of the college by providing access to information in a wide variety of formats to support the curriculum. Sources and services are provided to support information literacy, the achievement of research goals, and the pursuit of intellectual and cultural enrichment.


  • To acquire, and provide ready access to, materials supporting all educational offerings of the college, including general education and vocational/technical courses.
  • To work with faculty to ensure that all students receive information literacy instruction by providing classroom and individual instruction, as well as online materials, which will enhance students' knowledge of available resources and their ability to find and evaluate information.
  • To provide off-campus access to materials supporting all disciplines.
  • To serve as a repository for materials on the history and culture of Kentucky and of the Appalachian region.
  • To offer general library services to residents of the counties within the college's service area.
  • To serve as a center for study and computer usage.
  • To work with other libraries to provide students and faculty access to materials which are unavailable locally.
  • To offer students well-maintained and equipped facilities in a friendly, professional atmosphere, conducive to learning.
  • To provide a well-trained and knowledgeable staff, capable of assisting patrons with their information needs.
Revised 1/2015