The Federal Work-Study Program provides funds to create part-time work opportunities for students. Many of these jobs are related to your area of study.
The number of hours you may work is determined by the student's need for financial assistance.
In areas served by community colleges, part-time work is often available for students who desire to earn funds to help pay for their educational expenses.
If you are partly self-supported you may seek help from their advisors in adjusting their study loads so that their employment will not prevent them from obtaining the greatest benefit from their course work.
See the Financial Aid Coordinator at any Southeast campus for more information.

Need Help?
If you have questions about financial aid, feel free to reach out. We're happy to help!
- Anna Stewart - 606-248-2064 or astewart0133@kctcs.edu
- Keisha Hunt - 606-589-3330 or khunt0027@kctcs.edu
- Charlotte Lockaby - 606-589-3020 or charlotte.lockaby@kctcs.edu
- Barbara Gent – 606-248-0142 or barbara.gent@kctcs.edu
- Kim Hobbs – 606-248-0143 or kima.hobbs@kctcs.edu