2014 - McCall Reception | SKCTC

SKCTC Snap Alert

All Southeast Campuses will operate remotely Thursday 2/20/25 
and Friday 2/21/25. Weekend classes will resume on normal 

Reception held in honor of Dr. McCall

A reception to honor Dr. Michael B. McCall, president of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, was held recently in the gallery of the Edsel Godbey Appalachian Center at the SKCTC Cumberland campus. The event was hosted by Dr. Lynn Moore who presented to Dr. McCall a hand-crafted dulcimer constructed by local artisans. H ordeuvres and cake were served, and reigning Miss Southeast Anna Jo Creech performed several selections on the piano. Additionally, McCall was presented with a personalized football jersey in keeping with the pregame theme carried out during the opening assembly kickoff for faculty and staff and held Aug. 7-8 at the Benham Inn. Dr. McCall has announced his retirement after 17 years of service to KCTCS. During his watch, the system has advanced into one of the leading community college networks in the nation.