Nurse Aide | SKCTC

SKCTC Snap Alert

SKCTC will be closed tomorrow, February 18, due to the widespread impact of the flooding. 

We want to allow our students and employees to have time to recover and take care of priority needs.

Nurse Aide

Learn key nursing skills and practice them in a variety of real-world settings.

Program Contact
Jennifer Nolan
Program Coordinator
(606) 248-2159
GET STARTED TODAY (855) 246-7528


what is nurse aide?

The Nursing Assistant course will prepare students to function in the traditional nursing assistant role in variety of settings. The focus of the course will be to teach students nursing assistant skills for safe patient care. The nursing assistant functions under the supervision of the licensed nurse and assists in meeting the hygiene, comfort, safety and emotional needs of the patients.

Getting Started

What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?

medicaid nurse aide certificate: 3-6 total credit hours Requirements

How Do I Pay For This?

What Else Do I Need to Know?

Campus Offerings

Pineville, Harlan, Cumberland & Whitesburg. Day and evening classes offered. Please see the schedule of classes on the college web site.

What are the admission requirements?

The nursing program does have selective admission. Because a limited number of students can enroll each fall and spring, applicants are ranked by their grade point averages and their scores on either the ACT or the National League for Nursing Preadmission Registered Nurse exam. Before beginning the Nursing Program, you need to have completed math, psychology, computer literacy and an anatomy/physiology class. You also need to have passed a 75-hour nurse aide course. You will also have to attend a preadmission conference seven or eight months before the semester you wish to begin.

Additional Information


Admission Requirements There are no special admission requirements or perquisites for the Medicaid Nurse Aide (NAA 100 or MNA 100) program.

Health Certifications A TB skin test within the past year. If a student has a positive TB skin test the student must have a chest x-ray. Hepatitis B vaccination or signed declination. Students will not be allowed to attend clinical without proof.

Clinical Will be conducted at a Long-Term Care Facility and may be scheduled during day, evening or weekend hours.

Click Here For Information Regarding the Medicaid Nurse Aide State Exam
KCTCS Medicaid Nurse Aide Information

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