Get real-world instruction on computer hardware, software, web design, routers, and the underlying technology in our CIT program.
what is computer and information technology
Some of the most sought after employees are Computer and Information Technology professionals. You will learn the skills needed to problem solve and communicate effectively within the complex Computer and Information Technology industry. Get real-world instruction computer hardware, software, web design, routers, and the underlying technology upon which networks, such as the Internet are founded. Start networking at Southeast!

Getting Started
What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?
computer and information technology AAS Microsoft (MCSA) Track: 60-66 total credit hours | Requirements |
computer and information technology AAS cisco associate (ccna) track: 60-66 total credit hours | Requirements |
Computer and information technology aas computer game programming track: 60-64 total credit hours | Requirements |
computer and information technology aas network administration track: 60-66 | Requirements |
A+ certificate: 4 total credit hours | Requirements |
computer and information technology fundamentals certificate: 23 total credit hours | Requirements |
cisco networking basic certificate: 18 total credit hours | Requirements |
cisco networking enhanced certificate: 21 total credit hours | Requirements |
information security specialist certificate: 19 total credit hours | Requirements |
microsoft enterprise administrator certificate: 22 total credit hours | Requirements |
microsoft network administrator certificate: 19 total credit hours | Requirements |
Programmer certificate: 12 total credit hours | Requirements |
Web server administrator certificate: 21 total credit hours | Requirements |
web programmer certificate: 24 total credit hours | Requirements |
How Do I Pay For This?
What Else Do I Need to Know?
How Do I Start?
Provide Southeast with your ACT scores
Complete an Application for Admission "Start Here"
Send high school/GED transcripts to Southeast
Meet with Computer and Information Technology faculty
Length of Program
You can earn an associate in applied science degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.
This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.