Creating Local Pathways
KCTCS and KDE partnered to create dual credit model pathways for the most in-demand technical programs across the state. These models are the preferred course sequence for high school students to allow seamless entry into the AAS track upon high school graduation; however, alternative models should be developed to reflect local needs and the availability to teach and offer a course for dual credit. The college determines the availability of these courses for dual credit based on having a credentialed faculty member to teach the course for dual credit at the college or high school, and the availability of required lab and equipment, and at times, additional credentialing requirements for a specific program.
If the state model will not work locally, or if a pathway is needed for a program that does not have a state model, one will have to be developed locally. The intent of a pathway is to create a seamless dual credit sequence (to maximize the scholarships available to students) from high school through college. Below are the guidelines from KDE and KCTCS for creating local models.
Who to Include:
- High School Instructor
- College Instructor
- College Program Dean/Chair
- High School Dual Credit Coordinator
- College Dual Credit Coordinator
- Business/Industry Partners (if possible)
What you will need:
- College course catalog
- College curriculum
- High school program of study
- Model pathway (as a guide, if available)
- Pathway template
Developing the Pathway:
- Review current program offerings. If this is a new program, discuss what courses you
could offer for dual credit. You will have to take into consideration:
- Where the course will be taught?
- Are there qualified instructors to teach the course?
- Is the required equipment and/or lab available?
- Is this a selective admissions program or are there third-party accreditation requirements to consider?
- If taught at the high school, can the required contact hours for the course be met?
- Develop the dual credit course sequence:
- High school students have a total of 10 dual credit scholarships available to them: Two Work Ready Dual Credit Scholarships each high school year for eligible CTE courses, and two total Dual Credit Scholarships for any dual credit course in a student’s junior and/or senior year. If possible, the goal is to develop a ten-course sequence consisting of eight technical courses (two per academic year) and two general education courses (in Junior/Senior years) to maximize the scholarship.
- If possible, ensure that students have the ability earn at least one embedded certificate through the course sequence.
- Questions to consider:
- Which courses are appropriate for high school students?
- What courses are already offered by other programs?
- Populate the KDE template and note any program requirements.