The Aspen Institute selects Southeast as one of the top ten community colleges in America | SKCTC

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The Aspen Institute selects Southeast as one of the top ten community colleges in America

Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College (SKCTC) was named todayone of ten finalists for the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the nations signature recognition of high achievement and performance in Americas community colleges.

Kentucky is one of only two states in the country with more than one prize finalist. Both SKCTC and WKCTC now enter the last stage of the competition for the $1 million prize fund that will be awarded in March in Washington, D.C. to the winner and up to four finalists-with-distinction. Last year, WKCTC was honored as one of the top five finalists.

Selected from an original pool of more than 1,000 community colleges, the Prize recognizes the most outstanding institutions for achievements in four areas: student learning outcomes, degree and college completion, labor market success in students securing jobs after college, and minority and low-income student success.

Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College demonstrates that even community colleges facing tremendous barriers to student success can overcome them and excel, said Josh Wyner, Executive Director of the Aspen Institutes College Excellence Program. The long-standing economic and social challenges of Appalachia are well-known. Through well-constructed support services and strong developmental education programs, SKCTC is helping students earn degrees and certificates that lead to living wage jobs.

SKCTC serves one of Kentuckys most remote and isolated areas with high unemployment and deep poverty. The median family income around the college is $35,000 61% of the national median family income. Many students arrive poorly prepared academically for college. SKCTC faculty and staff tailor their efforts to the unique needs of their student population, offering small-group tutoring, reading and writing classes, and online student assistance. SKCTC uses strong ties with the community and local industry to ensure that job training programs translate to jobs after college in the regions industrial and growing health care fields.

Southeast President, Dr. Bruce Ayers will be traveling to each SKCTC Campus later this week to make an official announcement and discuss in detail what this prestigious honor means to the college.

Make Plans To Attend!
Thursday, September 6

Whitesburg Campus 9:00 AM Theater
Cumberland Campus 10:30 AM Theater
Harlan Campus 12:45 PM Theater
Pineville Campus 2:15 PM Rec Room
Middlesboro Campus 3:15 PM Rotunda