Southeast to offer two courses in the arts for summer term; scholarships available for qualified students | SKCTC

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Southeast to offer two courses in the arts for summer term; scholarships available for qualified students

This summer, Southeast Kentucky Community amp; Technical College, with support from ArtPlace and the Robert E. Frazier Foundation, will be offering two courses in the arts.

Scholarships covering the full cost of tuition for the course as well as cash stipends are available for a limited number of qualified students. All interested students--especially high school juniors and seniors--are encouraged to contact Robert Gipe ( or 606-589-3130) for more information about these courses.

The two courses are ART 299: Directed Studies in Art, and THA 101: Introduction to Theater. Each course is worth three college credits. Both courses are connected to the Fall 2013 production of the fourth Higher Ground community drama. Both courses will meet primarily in Cumberland. Both courses are six-week courses beginning June 10 and ending July 21, meeting Monday through Thursday.

ART 299: Directed Studies in Art will meet from 1 p.m. to 4:20 p.m. Monday through Thursday from June 10 to July 21. SKCTC Professor of Art Joseph Scopa, Jr. will direct the course. Students will study the interface between painting and sculpture and create large-scale mixed-media collages using found objects. Students will also work with guest artists Chris Dockery and Paul Dunlap from the University of North Georgia on large-scale fabric art pieces integrating photography through the use of inkjet transfers.

THA 101: Introduction to Theater will be led by SKCTC Drama Instructor Michael Corriston and will meet from 10:30 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. Monday through Thursday from June 10 to July 21. Students will be introduced to the basics of theater practice and choose from two tracks: acting/performing/directing, and technical theater, with an emphasis on set-building. SKCTC Carpentry instructor Kenneth Bowling will also be working with set-building students. Selected students will also have the opportunity to work with Brackley Freyer, professor of theater at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas and lighting designer for Community Performance International and Higher Ground 4.

Mr. Gipe noted that community members wishing to participate in the courses without earning credit are most welcome, if space allows. Interested parties should contact him to gain admission to the courses before showing up.

The two courses are part of a new initiative at SKCTC called the Creative Development Center, which seeks to create educational opportunities in the arts and creative fields that lead to community development opportunities for Harlan County and the surrounding region.