Faculty enhancement grants awarded to SKCTC faculty | SKCTC

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Faculty enhancement grants awarded to SKCTC faculty

Several faculty at Southeast Kentucky Community amp; Technical College have been awarded enhancement mini grants. Funding for eight of the 11 grant proposals was made possible, according to Susan D. Caldwell, vice president for institutional advancement.

She noted that the grants are paid from unrestricted gifts from private donors and from income realized from the colleges Endowment for Excellence account, an unrestricted endowment fund. Each grant must be linked to student success. The applicants did an excellent job connecting their programs to improving student success and enhancing the learning experience at the college, she said.

Those receiving faculty enhancement mini grants include:

*Ronnie Daniels ($3,000) Funds to expand web-based training software for use by all automotive technology programs which will provide the opportunity for the program to explore a variety of visual and audio materials for use in the classroom.

*Roger Bowling ($3,000) Digital duct testing system and thermal imager to teach students new energy efficient testing for buildings which can be used in four current HVAC courses.

*Karla Sexton ($1,096) High Resolution 5.0 megapixel camera with software for clinical lab technology to be used to project cellular images on screen and to enhance instruction and improve success on national board exams.

*Joseph Johnson ($2,796) Four laboratory sets for the physics lab that will increase the number of students who are able to perform hands-on lab exercises. Currently, students must work in groups of six with several only able to observe the various experiments.

*Jennifer Howard ($1,523) Blood pressure training arms and electronic and teaching stethoscopes for remediation with students struggling with these skills and to assist students with hearing disabilities.

*Elana Scopa ($3,000) Portable electrocardiograph needed to provide hands-on instruction for students in anatomy and physiology courses which will assist students entering allied health programs.

*College Library ($2,890) Digital camcorders for library circulation for use on each of the colleges five campuses, to be used by faculty, staff and students to record projects, events and remarks by guest speakers.

*Gary Steenbergen ($2,995) A three-dimensional scanner to be used in the CAD Laboratory, using the current 3-D software and printer of which students will be able to fabricate models for design projects. The scanner will be used by students in engineering design and by those enrolled in the Project Lead the Way initiative.