Telehealth Technician Assistant | SKCTC

SKCTC Snap Alert

All Southeast Campuses will operate remotely Thursday 2/20/25 
and Friday 2/21/25. Weekend classes will resume on normal 

Telehealth Technician Assistant

Connect to the world of online healthcare as a Telehealth Technician Associate, assisting patients and providers from any location with internet service.

Program Contact
Mary "Leann" Turner
Program Coordinator
GET STARTED TODAY (855) 246-7528



The Telehealth Technician Associate program is the provision of health care over a distance. This occurs through live interactive (synchronous) and store and forward (asynchronous) telemedicine using high-speed communication links, videoconference equipment and other communication devices, and medical peripheral devices such as electronic stethoscopes to facilitate secure connectivity between patients and providers.

Telehealth Technician Assistant

Getting Started

What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?

Telehealth technician associate certificate: 16 total credit hours Requirements

How Do I Pay For This?

What Else Do I Need to Know?

Length of Program

All three certificates are earned within one semester.

This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.

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