Diesel Technology | SKCTC

SKCTC Snap Alert

SKCTC will be closed tomorrow, February 18, due to the widespread impact of the flooding. 

We want to allow our students and employees to have time to recover and take care of priority needs.

Diesel Technology

Fuel your career with hands-on experience servicing medium and heavy-duty trucks. The trucking industry is growing, along with job opportunities for skilled technicians.

Program Contact
David Sanders
Program Coordinator
(606) 248-0833
GET STARTED TODAY (855) 246-7528


what is diesel technology

Modern diesel engines require highly skilled mechanics to repair and maintain them. The diesel technology program provides students with the skills needed to analyze glitches, repair, rebuild and maintain construction equipment, agriculture equipment, and medium and heavy trucks. Fuel your future at Southeast!

Getting Started

What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?

Diesel technology AAS agriculture diesel technician track: 62-64 total credit hours Requirements
diesel technology AAS construction equipment technician track: 65-67 total credit hours  Requirements
Diesel technology aas medium and heavy truck technician track: 62-64 total credit hours  Requirements
agriculture equipement technician diploma: 50-55 total credit hours Requirements
Construction equipment technician diploma: 53-58 total credit hours Requirements
agriculture equipment mechanic helper certificate: 20 total credit hours Requirements
construction equipment mechanic helper certificate: 23 total credit hours Requirements
diesel engine mechanic certificate: 12 total credit hours Requirements
diesel mechanics assistant certificate: 27 total credit hours Requirements
diesel steering and suspension mechanic certificate: 12 total credit hours Requirements
electrical/electronics system mechanic certificate: 12 total credit hours Requirements
fluid power mechanic certificate: 12 total credit hours Requirements
Heavy duty brake mechanic certificate: 12 total credit hours Requirements
Heavy duty drive train mechanic certificate: 12 total credit hours Requirements
medium and heavy truck mechanic helper certificate: 30 total credit hours Requirements
mobile air conditioning mechanic certificate: 12 total credit hours Requirements
preventive maintenance mechanic certificate: 13 total credit hours Requirements
undercarriage mechanic certificate: 12 total credit hours Requirements

What Else Do I Need to Know?

How Do I Start?

  • Provide Southeast with your ACT scores
  • Complete an Application for Admission "Start Here"
  • Send high school/GED transcripts to SKCTC
  • Meet with Diesel Technology faculty

Length of Program

You can earn an associate in applied science degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.

This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.

Request Information