Prospective Student | SKCTC

Additional Program Information

Prospective Student

Admissions Process Timeline

Program Acceptance Process Dates
Program application accepted until the application window closes Deadline: May 1
MAR reviews completed March 17 - May 13
* Admissions committee meets to review and select candidates May 14
Selected candidates are submitted to the college president for approval May 14
Acceptance letters are sent to approved students (ANTICIPATED) May 15 - May 26
Accepted Students Program Orientation Orientation date: TBA

* Students must complete all requirements for admissions to qualify for program placement. Please refer to the “Admissions Requirements” section for more information.

Admission requirements



  1. Apply to Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College with the declared major code of “Associate in Science.” If you have been out of college for a semester or more, please complete a new application.
  2. Submit transcripts of any college coursework. Submit secondary school transcript or high school equivalency credentials (GED scores and the official certificate).
  3. Submit a Pineville Radiography Program Application.
  4. View the online pre-admission conference video and complete the documentation form.
    • Submit scores from the ACT test. Applicants may take the exam a maximum lifetime of twelve attempts.
    • Complete the Minimum Admissions Requirements (MAR) review. MAR reviews will be conducted from March 17, 2025, through May 13, 2025.
    • Submit all materials prior to May 1st.
    • The admission committee will evaluate all applicant rank scoring, with preference given to those who have completed the following: Completion of prerequisite courses with a C or better (BIO 137, AHS 115 or 120, and CIT 105)
    • Completion of the following general education courses: BIO 139 and PHY 152 or PHY 171 with a C or better.
    • ACT test composite scores.
    • Candidates who are registered and/or licensed in an allied health or nursing profession. Examples: Kentucky Nursing Aide Registry, Certified Clinical Medical Assistant, Certified Phlebotomy Technician, and Certified EKG Technician.

Students may use the following checklist to ensure proper steps have been completed:

Admissions Requirement Completed
Applied to Southeast Community and Technical College (SKCTC) and declared AS degree  
Submitted all Transcripts (high school, GED, outside college/university etc..)  
Submitted Pineville Radiography Program application  
Viewed the online Pre-Admission Conference Video (found on program webpage under "pre-admission conference information tab"  
Completed the pre-admissions conference video "Completion Form" (found under video)  
Submitted ACT score to the college's admissions office  
Booked and/or completed "MAR" meeting with the program director  
Submitted all requirements (including completion of Pre-Requisite Courses with a grade of "C" or better) by May 1* and completed or booked MAR review by May 13 
*Students enrolled in pre-requisite courses that will receive a final posted grade after May 1 but before the admissions committee meets (May 14) are still considered and will not hinder their chances of acceptance unless final posted grade is lower than a "C".

selective admissions preference points ranking system

In order to promote transparency, the program has provided prospective students with a template and examples of the Selective Admissions Preference Points Ranking System used in the determination of applicant selection. The breakdown of this system is demonstrated in the Pre-admission conference video, in which students are required to watch in its entirety. Any questions or further assistance can be directed to the program director, Ms. Samantha Stanton at

Example #1 Example #2
Varying grades (A's & B's) Varying grades (A's,B's,&C's)
ACT score higher than 19 (preference points given) ACT scores lower than 19 (no preference points given)
Stuent does not hold an active allied health professional license Student holds active allied health professional license (pharmacy tech: +5 preference points added)
Final Score Final Score
26.14 22.7

Example #1 Ranking Calculation

SKCTC Pineville Campus Radiography Program Admissions Final Ranking Process

Applicant Name:                     

Student ID:                    

Section 1: Academic Course GPA Calculation

*Prerequisite Course

Academic Support Courses Completed Grade Grade Point X Semester Credit hourse Completed Grade Points
*BIO 137 Anaromy and Physiology I with Lab B 3.0 x 4.0 12
BIO 139 Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab A 0.0 x 4.0 0
* AHS 115 Medical Terminology A 4.0 x 3.0 12
*MAT 150 College Algebra or Higher level quantitative reasoning course A 4.0 x 3.0 12
PHY 171 Applied Physics   0.0 x 4.0 0
*CIT 105 Introduction to Computers (Digital Literacy) A 4.0 x 3.0 12

Total Number of Earned Grade Points = 48

Cumulative GPA on Degree Plan Courses

Note: All scores will be converted to a base of 40 because of GPA, i.e., a GPA of 4.0 will be converted to: 4.0 x 10 = 40

Cumulative GPA = Number of Grade Points Earned ÷ Number of Attempted Semester Credit Hours

Therefore: GPA = 48 Grade Points ÷ 13 Attempted Semester Credit Hours GPA = 3.69
The GPA of 3.69 is converted to 3.69 X 10 = 36.9 Points

Section 2: ACT Examination Composite Score


ACT Test Composite Score Preference Points:
19-22 = 10 Points    23-26 = 20 Points   27-31 = 30 Points    32-36 = 40 Points

Applicants ACT Composite Score (c) = 22

Score Weighting for Final Ranking

GPA = 60%          36.9 x .60 = 22.14
ACT = 40%          10 x .40 = 4

Allied Health Professional License: None ( 0 points )

Final Ranking Score = 26.14

Example #2 Ranking Calculation


SKCTC Pineville Campus Radiography Program Admissions Final Ranking Process

Applicant Name:                    

Student ID:                       

Section 1: Academic Course GPA Calculation

*Prerequisite Course

Academic Support Courses Completed Grade Grade Points X Semester Credit Hours Completed Grade Points
* BIO 137 Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab B 3.0 x 4.0 12
BIO 139 Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab B 3.0 x 4.0 12
* AHS 115 Medical Terminology B 3.0 x 4.0 9
* MAT 150 College Algebra or Higer level quantitative reasoning course B 3.0 x 4.0 9
PHY 171 Applied Physics C 2.0 x 4.0 8
*CIT 105 Introduction to Computers (Digital Literacy) A 4.0 x 3.0 12

Total Number of Earned Grade Points = 62

Cumulative GPA on Degree Plan Courses

Note: All scores will be converted to a base of 40 because of GPA, i.e., a GPA of 4.0 will be converted to: 4.0 x 10 = 40

Cumulative GPA = Number of Grade Points Earned ÷ Number of Attempted Semester Credit Hours

Therefore: GPA = 62 Grade Points ÷ 21 Attempted Semester Credit Hours GPA = 2.95

The GPA of 2.95 is converted to 2.95 X 10 = 29.5 Points

Section 2: ACT Examination Composite Score

ACT Test Composite Score Preference Points:
19-22 = 10 Points   23-26 = 20 Points   27-31 = 30Points   32-36 = 40 Points

ACT Composite Score: (𝓍) ÷ 2.5 = (𝓍) (Note: to convert the score to a base of 40, the ACT Composite score is divided by 2.5)

Applicants ACT Composite Score (𝓍) = 17

Score Weighting for Final Ranking

GPA = 60%         29.5 x .60 = 17.7
ACT = 40%         (𝓍<19) = 0

Pharmacy Technician License = +5 Points

Final Ranking Score = 22.7

Admissions Final Ranking Process TEMPLATE (for student use)

Applicant Name:.                

Student ID:.                      

 *Prerequisite Course

Academic Support Course Completed Grade Grade Points X Semester Credit Hours Completed Grade Points
*BIO 137 Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab

______ X 4.0

BIO 139 Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab



_______ X 4.0

*AHS 115 Medical Terminology

_______ X 3.0

*MAT 150 College Algebra or Higher- level quantitative reasoning course

_______ X 3.0

PHY 171 Applied Physics

_______ X 4.0

*CIT 105 Introduction to Computers (Digital Literacy)

_______ X 3.0

Total Number of Earned Grade Points = _______

Cumulative GPA on Degree Plan Courses

Note: All scores will be converted to a base of 40 because of GPA, i.e., a GPA of 4.0 will be converted to: 4.0 x 10 = 40

Cumulative GPA = Number of Grade Points Earned ÷ Number of Attempted Semester Credit Hours

Therefore: GPA = ___ Grade Points ÷ _____ Attempted Semester Credit Hours
                GPA = ___

The GPA of _____ is converted to _____ X 10 = _____ Points

Section 2: ACT Examination Composite Score

ACT Test Composite Score Preference Points:
19-22 = 10 Points   23-26 = 20 Points   27-31 = 30Points   32-36 = 40 Points

ACT Composite Score: (c) ÷ 2.5 = (c) (Note: to convert the score to a base of 40, the ACT Composite score is divided by 2.5)

Score Weighting for Final Ranking

GPA = 60% ____ (GPA total points) x .60 = ______ ACT = 40% ____(ACT total points) x .40 = ______

Allied Health Professional License = _______ Points (+5 points)

Final Ranking Score = _______ *Disclaimer: This template is for the prospective student’s configuration only. Student calculations will NOT be used in place of the Admissions committee’s official calculation form of student.


Revised 1-24-2025