Radiography Outcomes | SKCTC

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Radiography Outcomes

2023-2025 Goal #1: Student will be clinically competent.
Objective Assessment Tool Time  Grading Scale Benchmark Benchmark Met or Unmet Outcome
SLO1.1 - Students will apply patient positioning skills 1.1a Clinical Componenet, Clinic Competency year 1, semester 3 0-30 points ≥ 20 Data Pending Data Pending
1.1b Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA)- Procedure Performance Evaluation year 2, semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Data Pending Data Pending
SLO1.2 - Students will provide appropriate patient care 1.2a Questions #35, 37, 66, 68, 98, and 133 on IMG 106 Final Exam  year 1, semester 1 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 92.9
1.2b Clinical Componenet, Clinic Competency year 2, semester 5 0-25 points ≥ 20 Data Pending Data Pending
SLO1.3- Students will exercise ALARA principles to minimize radiation exposure 1.3a Cohort Aggregate Average Score On The ASRT EZ Compliance Module: Radiation Safety year 1, semester 1 0-100% ≥ 70 Met 91.4
1.3b Questions #3, 10, 32, 39, 73, 77 on IMG 224 Final Exam year 2, semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Data Pending Data Pending
1.3c Clinical Portfolio Critcal Thinking Reflection Journaling - Radiation Safety year 2, semester 4 Likert scale 0-4 ≥ 2.5 Data Pending Data Pending
2023-2025 Goal #2: Student will develop critical thinking skills.
Objective Assessment Tool Grading Scale Time Benchmark Benchmark Met or Unmet Outcome
SLO2.1- Students will perform "non-routine" procedures requiring critical thinking skills 2.1a Cohort Aggregate Pediatric and Geriatric Clinical Competency Performance Evaluations 0-100% Semester 5 ≥ 90 Data Pending Data Pending
2.1b Cohort Aggregate Trauma Clinical Competency Performance Evaluations 0-100% Semester 5 ≥ 90 Data Pending Data Pending
SLO2.2- Students will evaluate images for technical quality 2.2a Radiographic Procedures Image Analysis 0-100% year 1, semester 2 ≥ 80 Met 92.8
2.2b Cohort Aggregate Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA Form)- Image Analysis Evaluation 0-100% year 2, semester 4 ≥ 90 Data Pending Data Pending
2.2c Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA Form)- Image Acquisition & Evaluation 0-100% year 2, semester 5 ≥ 90 Data Pending Data Pending
Objective Assessment Tool Time  Grading Scale Benchmark Benchmark Met ot Unmet Outcome
SLO3.1- Students will demonstrate effective verbal skills 3.1a Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA)- Patient Care Clinic Performance Evaluation year 2, semester 4 0-100% ≥ 90 Data Pending Data Pending
3.1b Pathology scholarly research oral presentation  year 2, semester 5 0-30 points ≥ 25 Data Pending Data Pending
SLO3.2-    Student will demonstrate effective written skills 3.2a Professional Organizations Composition Essay year 1, semester 1 0-30 points ≥ 20 Data Pending 27.8
3.2b Clinical Portfolio Critical Thinking Journaling year 2, semester 4 Likert scale                                                  ≥ 3 Met Data Pending
3.2c Pathology scholarly research paper year 2, semester 5 0-70 points ≥ 55 Data Pending Data Pending
2022-2024 Goal #1: Student will be clinically competent.
Objective Assessment Tool Time Grading Scale Benchmark Benchmark Met or Unmet Outcome
SLO1.1 - Students will apply patient positioning skills 1.1a Clinical Componenet, Clinic Competency year 1, semester 3 0-30 points ≥ 20 Met 30
1.1b Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA)- Procedure Performance Evaluation year 2, semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Unmet 81.4
SLO1.2 - Students will provide appropriate patient care 1.2a Questions #35, 37, 66, 68, 98, and 133 on IMG 106 Final Exam  year 1, semester 1 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 92.6
1.2b Clinical Componenet, Clinic Competency year 2, semester 5 0-25 points ≥ 20 Met 25
SLO1.3- Students will exercise ALARA principles to minimize radiation exposure 1.3a Cohort Aggregate Average Score On The ASRT EZ Compliance Module: Radiation Safety year 1, semester 1 0-100% ≥ 70 Met 85
1.3b Questions #3, 10, 32, 39, 73, 77 on IMG 224 Final Exam year 2, semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 90.5
1.3c Clinical Portfolio Critcal Thinking Reflection Journaling - Radiation Safety year 2, semester 4 Likert scale 0-4 ≥ 2.5 Met 3.8
2022-2024 Goal #2: Student will develop critical thinking skills.
Objective Assessment Tool Time Grading Scale Benchmark Benchmark Met or Unmet Outcome
SLO2.1- Students will perform "non-routine" procedures requiring critical thinking skills 2.1a Cohort Aggregate Pediatric and Geriatric Clinical Competency Performance Evaluations Semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 100
2.1b Cohort Aggregate Trauma Clinical Competency Performance Evaluations Semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 100
SLO2.2- Students will evaluate images for technical quality 2.2a Radiographic Procedures Image Analysis year 1, semester 2 0-100% ≥ 80 Met 89.9
2.2b Cohort Aggregate Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA Form)- Image Analysis Evaluation year 2, semester 4 0-100% ≥ 90 Unmet 83.2
2.2c Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA Form)- Image Acquisition & Evaluation year 2, semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 100
2022-2024 Goal # 3: Student will demonstrate communication skills
Objective Assessment Tool Time Grading Scale Benchmark Benchmark Met or Unmet Outcome
SLO3.1- Students will demonstrate effective verbal skills 3.1a Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA)- Patient Care Clinic Performance Evaluation year 2, semester 4 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 95.7
3.1b Pathology scholarly research oral presentation  year 2, semester 5 0-30 points ≥ 25 Met 26.6
SLO3.2-    Student will demonstrate effective written skills 3.2a Professional Organizations Composition Essay year 1, semester 1 0-30 points ≥ 20 Met 23.9
3.2b Clinical Portfolio Critical Thinking Journaling year 2, semester 4 Likert scale 0-4 ≥ 3 Met 3.9
3.2c Pathology scholarly research paper year 2, semester 5 0-70 points ≥ 55 Met 67.4
2021-2023 Goal #1: Student will be clinically competent.
Objective Assessment Took Time Grading Scale Benchmark Benchmark Met or Unmet Outcome
SLO1.1 - Students will apply patient positioning skills 1.1a Clinical Componenet, Clinic Competency year 1, semester 3 0-30 points ≥ 20 Met 30
1.1b Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA)- Procedure Performance Evaluation year 2, semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 94.9
SLO1.2 - Students will provide appropriate patient care 1.2a Questions #35, 37, 66, 68, 98, and 133 on IMG 106 Final Exam  year 1, semester 1 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 100
1.2b Clinical Componenet, Clinic Competency year 2, semester 5 0-25 points ≥ 20 Met 25
SLO1.3- Students will exercise ALARA principles to minimize radiation exposure 1.3a Cohort Aggregate Average Score On The ASRT EZ Compliance Module: Radiation Safety year 1, semester 1 0-100% ≥ 70 Met 90
1.3b Questions #3, 10, 32, 39, 73, 77 on IMG 224 Final Exam year 2, semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 90.5
1.3c Clinical Portfolio Critcal Thinking Reflection Journaling - Radiation Safety year 2, semester 4 Likert scale 0-4 ≥ 2.5 Met 3.9
2020-2021 Goal #2: The student will exhibit critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Objective Assessment Tool Time Grading Scale Benchmark Benchmark Met or Unmet Outcome
SLO2.1- Students will perform "non-routine" procedures requiring critical thinking skills 2.1a Cohort Aggregate Pediatric and Geriatric Clinical Competency Performance Evaluations Semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 100
2.1b Cohort Aggregate Trauma Clinical Competency Performance Evaluations Semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 100
SLO2.2- Students will evaluate images for technical quality 2.2a Radiographic Procedures Image Analysis year 1, semester 2 0-100% ≥ 80 Met 92.5
2.2b Cohort Aggregate Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA Form)- Image Analysis Evaluation year 2, semester 4 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 94
2.2c Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA Form)- Image Acquisition & Evaluation year 2, semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 97.4
2021-2023 Goal #3: Student will demonstrate communication skills
Objective Assessment Tool Time Grading Scale Benchmark Benchmark Met or Unmet Outcome
SLO3.1- Students will demonstrate effective verbal skills 3.1a Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA)- Patient Care Clinic Performance Evaluation year 2, semester 4 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 91.6
3.1b Pathology scholarly research oral presentation  year 2, semester 5 0-30 points ≥ 25 Met 26.7
SLO3.2-    Student will demonstrate effective written skills 3.2a Professional Organizations Composition Essay year 1, semester 1 0-30 points ≥ 20 Met 26.9
3.2b Clinical Portfolio Critical Thinking Journaling year 2, semester 4 Likert scale 0-4 ≥ 3 Met 3.8
3.2c Pathology scholarly research paper year 2, semester 5 0-70 points ≥ 55 Met 66
2020-2022 Goal #1: Student will be clinically competent.
Outcomes Assessment Tools Time Grading Scale Benchmark Benchmark Met or Unmet Outcome
SLO1.1 - Students will apply patient positioning skills 1.1a Clinical Componenet, Clinic Competency year 1, semester 3 0-30 points ≥ 20 Met 30
1.1b Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA)- Procedure Performance Evaluation year 2, semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 92
SLO1.2 - Students will provide appropriate patient care 1.2a Questions #35, 37, 66, 68, 98, and 133 on IMG 106 Final Exam  year 1, semester 1 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 87.5
1.2b Clinical Componenet, Clinic Competency year 2, semester 5 0-25 points ≥ 20 Met 25
SLO1.3- Students will exercise ALARA principles to minimize radiation exposure 1.3a Cohort Aggregate Average Score On The ASRT EZ Compliance Module: Radiation Safety year 1, semester 1 0-100% ≥ 70 Met 85
1.3b Questions #3, 10, 32, 39, 73, 77 on IMG 224 Final Exam year 2, semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 94.5
1.3c Clinical Portfolio Critcal Thinking Reflection Journaling - Radiation Safety year 2, semester 4 Likert scale 0-4 ≥ 2.5 Met 3
2020-2022 Goal #2: Student will develop critical thinking skills.
Objective Assessment Tool Time Grading Scale Benchmark Benchmark Met or Unmet Outcome
SLO2.1- Students will perform "non-routine" procedures requiring critical thinking skills 2.1a Cohort Aggregate Pediatric and Geriatric Clinical Competency Performance Evaluations Semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 100
2.1b Cohort Aggregate Trauma Clinical Competency Performance Evaluations Semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 99.5
SLO2.2- Students will evaluate images for technical quality 2.2a Radiographic Procedures Image Analysis year 1, semester 2 0-100% ≥ 80 Met 83.3
2.2b Cohort Aggregate Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA Form)- Image Analysis Evaluation year 2, semester 4 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 92.8
2.2c Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA Form)- Image Acquisition & Evaluation year 2, semester 5 0-100% ≥ 90 Met 100
2020-2022 Goal #3 Student will demonstrate communication skills
Objective Assessment Tool Time Grading Scale Benchmark Benchmark Met or Unmet Outcome
SLO3.1- Students will demonstrate effective verbal skills 3.1a Ongoing Practice of Competency Assessment (OPCA)- Patient Care Clinic Performance Evaluation year 2, semester 4 0-100% ≥ 90 Unmet 87.5
3.1b Pathology scholarly research oral presentation  year 2, semester 5 0-30 points ≥ 25 Met 25
SLO3.2-    Student will demonstrate effective written skills 3.2a Professional Organizations Composition Essay year 1, semester 1 0-30 points ≥ 20 Met 28.6
3.2b Clinical Portfolio Critical Thinking Journaling year 2, semester 4 Likert scale 0-4 ≥ 3 Met 3.3
3.2c Pathology scholarly research paper year 2, semester 5 0-70 points ≥ 55 Met 64.7