Qep Meeting Minutes | SKCTC

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Qep Meeting Minutes

March 15, 2024 

 In Attendance: 

Dr. Sandy Holbrook 

Jamie Jones 

Ariel Dingus 

Dr. Erin Reasor 

Will Major 

Carolyn Mayes 

Lynn Cox             

Dr. Sandra Brown

Emily Abrams 

Keisha Hunt

Dr. Rick Mason 

Dr. Joe Johnson 

Dr. Peggy Conklin 

Denise Haynes – Recorder 


The meeting was called to order by Dr. Sandy Holbrook 

The purpose of the committee is to discuss different topic ideas and to survey stakeholders that participate in selecting the QEP topic. The next on-sight reaffirmation involving the QEP is scheduled for 2027. 

 Dr. Holbrook has included, in the presentation, documents for committee members to review. 

  • The PDF document shows what should be included in the QEP. The specifics of how it is reviewed and evaluated. 
  • QEP impact report. This includes the committee response such as what knowledge was gained and what is the next stage in the process. 

 It is essential that the topic be clearly defined and include a plan to access student achievement. There should be an abundant amount of data provided. 

 Several initiatives are currently being presented at the college that include: 

  • Complete College America 
  • Pathways 
  • Meta majors 
  • Digital literacy 
  • Budgeting 
  • Emergency aid for students 
  • The Kentucky Graduate Profile 
  • Essential skills 
  • Achieving the Dream 
  • Adult learners 
  • Enrollment retention and completers 
  • The goal has been met for “Achieving the Dream.” Focus can now shift to the proposed QEP topic. 

 Dr. Mason suggested dual credit as a potential topic. Dr. Johnson suggested artificial intelligence (AI) as a topic. These ideas were both added to the list for consideration.  

 Jamie Jones commented on the overlap of digital literacy and information literacy. Although they are similar there are enough distinctions to separate digital and informational literacy. She also suggested the topic of blackboard design. There should be more consistency in the layout across the courses. 

  Topic suggestions to include in the preliminary survey are: 

  • Digital literacy 
  • Information literacy 
  • Dual credit 
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) 
  • Basic computer skills 
  • KCTCS essential skills (KES) 
  • Post Covid digital classroom skills. 
  • Career development 

 Dr. Mason will be sending QEP topic surveys by the beginning of next week. Responses should be completed by Monday April 1st. The surveys will also provide a section for topic suggestions. 

 The suggestion was made to post all documents on the webpage such as minutes, surveys, etc. The work the committee does regarding the QEP should be transparent. 

The next meeting date and time was left open. 

With no further business the meeting was adjourned.