Message from the President | SKCTC

SKCTC Snap Alert

All Southeast Campuses will operate remotely Thursday 2/20/25 
and Friday 2/21/25. Weekend classes will resume on normal 

News Archive

Message from the President

March 19, 2020

As President of Southeast, I want to reassure our communities that we continue to support our students and employees during this confusing and unprecedented time. Information and recommendations we receive from President Trump, Governor Beshear, and KCTCS President Box are fluid, and the college must continually update its response. Please watch social media for the latest information. Students should also check their college email.

Student Affairs staff continue to be available to serve students. While we have minimal staff on campus, students may also call or email. If calls are not answered immediately, our staff are assisting other callers. Someone will return voice mail messages as soon as possible.

The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff are our top priorities during this global health event. SKCTC leadership will continue to monitor the fast-changing situation related to COVID-19 and follow guidance from local, state and national leaders.

Thank you for patience as we continue to keep #SKCTCStudentsFirst.  


Warmest regards,

Dr. Vic Adams signatureDr. Vic Adams, President/CEO