Dr. William H. Turner to visit Southeast Cumberland Campus | SKCTC

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Dr. William H. Turner to visit Southeast Cumberland Campus

Tuesday, October 26, from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College will host a luncheon for Dr. William H. Turner on the Cumberland Campus. Employees, students, and members of the community are invited to attend.

Dr. Turner and his contributions to research on African-American communities in Appalachia are well-known. His recent book, The Harlan Renaissance: Stories of Black Life in Appalachian Coal Towns, was published earlier this year. 

Below is a link to Dr. Turner’s biography. 

About — William H. Turner, PhD (whturnerphd.com)

“This is a rare opportunity to engage with someone who continues to have a major voice for people in our region,” said Southeast President Vic Adams. “We look forward to listening and being part of an important ongoing conversation.”


A black and white photograph of Dr. William H. Turner. He is wearing a bowtie.Dr. William H. Turner, author of The Harlan Renaissance: Stories of Black Life in Appalachian Coal Towns, will visit the Southeast Cumberland Campus.